Thinking. Doing. Being. Three Pathways to Joy.
Which one is your default?
Doing to Be Joyful
You’re probably familiar with the idea of doing something to find joy. This might mean socializing, attending concerts, or diving into thrilling experiences. These moments of activity can spark happiness and excitement.
But when your joy depends solely on action, it can become harder to find in the quieter, uneventful times. If joy relies on external stimulation, what happens in the stillness?
Engaging activities are undoubtedly powerful, but when you rely entirely on them, you may miss out on the ability to find joy in life’s simpler, everyday moments.
Thinking to Be Joyful
Another way to experience joy is by cultivating it through your thoughts. This could include practices like:
Thinking can also add a positive lens to the events in your life. For example, you might turn a challenging situation into an opportunity for growth, helping you feel lighter and more optimistic.