Dude has no credentials has done nothing to educate himself. Claims to be a scientist when he does not even know what a lab is. What a scam. Next thing you know he is gonna start calling himself dr.
Serious Attention seeking behaviour. Go get therapy. - sincerely annoyed normal people of Vancouver.
Really well written and accurate information. Vyving is similar to the Heartbombing I energize on the dance floor, as StarFyre. Looking forward to meeting you again in person at some point Party Scientist! Until then, Blissings to your Being 🙏
Dude has no credentials has done nothing to educate himself. Claims to be a scientist when he does not even know what a lab is. What a scam. Next thing you know he is gonna start calling himself dr.
Serious Attention seeking behaviour. Go get therapy. - sincerely annoyed normal people of Vancouver.
Really well written and accurate information. Vyving is similar to the Heartbombing I energize on the dance floor, as StarFyre. Looking forward to meeting you again in person at some point Party Scientist! Until then, Blissings to your Being 🙏