The Party Scientist's Lab
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🥼 Biosocial hacking & Overcoming scarcity 🧪 The Party Science Lab #6

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🥼 Biosocial hacking & Overcoming scarcity 🧪 The Party Science Lab #6

Inspiration from my life

I had a sensitive phone call with someone who I foresee will become a long-term collaborator. They told me they felt like I took advantage of them financially. So, what did I do? I sent them more money than we had agreed, because I value the relationship more than money. Relationships are priceless—and they have produced the majority of my money.

Wisdom from my ally

I talked with Gary Lachance, Earth’s expert in renegade street parties. His approach to biosocial hacking: Dress vibrantly and laugh at yourself often. It’s contagious. His approach to facilitating joy: Create social agreements where it’s considered normal to behave differently.

Insider invitation

Relationship-building as an entrepreneur. Thursday, I am leading a special discussion about networking intentionally. Reply to me for the link.

Paradigm shift

Move from, “Pay attention, I want you to buy what I made.” to…
“I’ve been paying attention, and I think I can offer you what you want.”
— Seth Godin

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Joy Facilitation—

Empower guests to nominate each other.

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The Party Scientist's Personal Podcast (Private)
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