The Party Scientist's Lab
The Party Scientist's Personal Podcast (Private)
🎈 Love Letters & Darkness Retreats 🔬 JOY LAB #13

🎈 Love Letters & Darkness Retreats 🔬 JOY LAB #13

Life Inspiration

I wrote a 3000-word letter-to-my-new-self about my experience in solitary darkness. This is how I like to integrate. Write to remember.

New Perspective

I sat down with Marco Beneteau, author of The Circling Guide. He shared his definition of vulnerability. We talk about celebrating life.

Personal Invitation

I launched a monthly workshop called: Facilitate Vitalizing & Fun Virtual Meetings - Learn to Apply The Science of Human Connection.

Thursday, February 24th at 10AM PST. Reply for invitation.

Paradigm Shift

"The answers are within. [...] We're told to find fulfillment, but we already have what we seek. This is what darkness teaches us."

- Severin, Founder of the Hermitage Darkness Retreat Center

Groups—Practice non-interference.

Get out of the way. Create space for your participants to figure out their problems. Allow your participants to guide the session. Stop controlling where it goes.

Tool: Assign small groups and direct your participants to come up with their own way to accomplish their objective.

Relationships—Write love letters.

In my darkness retreat, I cried. Because I realized how few love letters I had written for my dad, mom, family, and best friends. Jacques 2.0 writes more tender letters to his loved ones.

Tool: Spend ten minutes reflecting on acts of love and generosity toward you. There, you have your list of people to love on!

Mind—Filter your thoughts for gold.

I spent 8 hours each day for 8 days practicing open-awareness meditation. This is when you watch your thoughts and filter them for inspiration. Gold will alchemize eventually!

Tool: Spend 10 minutes doing nothing. Don't move. Don't multitask. Watch your thoughts with a notepad nearby.

Body—Do nothing but enjoy your food when you eat.

At the retreat center, I have been eating in a new way. Mindfully. I chew my food more. I soak in the flavors. I enjoy it more.

Tool: Put down your utensils after every bite. Slow down. Salivate.

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Read About My Insights

What is one extreme self-development experience you’ve had? Mine was the darkness retreat.

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May you evoke oxytocin for others 💞

— Jacques

PS: As an insider, you get by-donation consultations for facilitation and event-design. Book a time with me and let’s talk about your event!

The Party Scientist's Lab
The Party Scientist's Personal Podcast (Private)
Tools for building community and leading group experiences, with an emphasis on human connection.